
Challenging Knowledge Management Question (with LinkedIn Learning Courses)

  • 5 April 2022
  • 5 replies

Hey Community.

I need some support in the best way to curate/structure the layout of a collection of LinkedIn Learning Tools that align to our organisations Sales Competencies…. without being too overwhelming, or difficult to navigate.

Essentially, there are 5 ‘Capability’ categories, and within each of these, are 3-4 sub capabilities. For each subcapability there are 4 levels - Developing, Beginner, Advanced and Expert. (e.g. Capability1b -Advanced, Capability1b - Expert)

To keep it simple…. if you imagine a rubric, it would be 18 x 4 individual headings.

(e.g. 1a-Developing, 1a-Competent, 1a-Advanced ….)


So here comes the tricky part….

For each of these ‘headings’ I have 5-10 curated LinkedIn Learning courses that the team can sift through, to develop themselves in these skills. e.g. if they are at a competent level but want to work towards being Expert, there are two ‘headings’ worth of content that they could use to upskill themselves.

So, all up, ~350 courses, across these 72 different ‘headings’.

What I don’t want, is to have all 350 courses listed on the one page. But equally, I don’t want the team to have to click through 5-6 times, to get to the information that they need. 


I imagine that the way this will be used, is that the individual is focusing on one of the 18 sub-capabilities and will know which level they want to work towards, and so may be able to ‘search’ the area that they want to investigate. But I’m also mindful of needing to update courses regularly, and so don’t want to have 20 different pages that I constantly need to update.


Does anyone have any suggestions for how to lay this out in an effective way that is good for the learner, as well as the Power/Super User who has to set it up?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Reneedm. I think you may want to draw out a diagram or two to explain this one. 

What I believe I am detecting - though are a few nodes (competency to competency levels) before you get a person to their learning which will be 8-10 courses to display for any given sub.

To achieve something that is manageable? I would want to consider first - how does the learner know what competencies they job functions are mapped to? Are you able to map them to their competencies and then sub competencies? Or is this all a pull scenario and each person must drive their own.

if you can target them? You can play with and display a catalog related to a group that they were put into.

if you are doing all pulls? Consider introducing some navigation page (like all HTML e to get people to r the right courses.

Good luck with this one…I am curious of how you are going to save the organization

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Sorry something broke down as I was writing last night.
If you are doing all pulls? Consider using a middle page to support navigation…something that will link to a Competency page with the 4 or 5 catalog widgets for your sub-competencies.

There are intriguing pull downs menus (accordions) you can reproduce that are platform safe and you can develop a great navigation metaphor to get people to what they should be consuming.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Just alternative option I’ve done similar to this with a form that supports branching logic, they work through a couple questions that are the categories/groupings and then can select from final list to submit automatically and the submission redirect link brings them to the right page/course. This form gets embedded on a page so no leaving docebo platform. Build a lot of “choose your own adventures” that way. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Actually, re-reading this, I’d probably do exactly this as if using something like Qualtrics and additional fields on Docebo, could auto select the things like the level of the learner and skip a few steps nicely. 

Thanks @dklinger and @Bfarkas.

The learner knows what competencies their job functions are mapped to as we’ve given them a visual of the wheel below (ie. 4 levels, with 18 sub-capabilities, across 5 categories/capabilities) for each of the 4 roles in their team. This also allows them to look at the role ‘above’ theirs and identify where they are (self assessed, but calibrated with their manager) vs. where they want to be. This would be the prompt to ‘pull’ content relating to the category/node that they want to get to.


At this stage I do not believe we will be able to target them about the relevant learnings, as this ‘score’ will not live within Docebo (at this stage, this may change as long as it is consistent with where the rest of our organisation plan to store these).


Right now, we are thinking that it might be ideal to have 18 ‘pages’ which include content aligned to all four levels within the same page… just under different widgets. This might make it easier to manage, and replicable across the business.


Example of the Role Map


Example of the Job Pathway

