That’s a tough one as it may depend in part of your HR strategies as well…
You can opt to block user un-enrolments or changing sessions and restrict enrolment window but if your users are just not showing up this sounds like something their manager would need to deal with. If the manager has approved time away to attend a course, what is the user dong if they are not at the course?
If you charge for courses, you may want to overtly put up a cancelation policy and/or absenteeism policy where you can chargeback users who do not show up.
You might also want to track these folks by using one o the lesser used statuses, like “waiting..” or “suspended”; the latter will also lock the course for the user.
There is no real “right” way...really depends on your organization’s ethics and code of conduct, etc.
I think I’m looking for more of a PDF version of how people outline learning expectations than what the system can do per se. We have nothing and since there are so many learning experts on here thought this might be a good place to start.
Thanks for thoughts @lrnlab - once we have something more solid these are good recommendations / best practices to follow.