Sharing High Level Metrics for Comparison Purposes?

  • 26 January 2023
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 3

Hello All,

My team is working on our end of year learning dashboards for learner engagement & training statistics in our instance of Docebo. I’d be curious if anyone out there would be willing to share a couple of the following high level metrics (I’ve put ours next to each category). 

Would be cool to get a general sense of how our metrics compare to others, understanding that there are many factors that go into these metrics...

  • Average courses completed per active user for 2022. Ours = 9 courses / per user
  • Average course completions per course for 2022. Ours =  19 completions / per course
  • Average course rating per course. Ours = 4.6 stars / per course

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to share!

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