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The first Unofficial Docebo Community Roundtable was met with 15 engaged participants, and created a 50% spike in voting that week so @dklinger and I would like to keep the momentum of customer voice going with another roundtable! This time we'll be focusing on Course Management. We want you to come:

  • Ask your questions
  • Share your knowledge and experience
  • Help create a user story that includes recommended future state functionality that helps multiple customers

We’ll share more in the coming weeks, but what you need to do now is open your calendar and reserve Friday, September 23rd from 10:00 to 12:00 pm (ET) to join us as we network and collaborate for a better customer experience.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing from many of you!

done, thank you

Let us know if you’re planning on joining the roundtable!

@steveninfinger  - I am hoping to join :)

Hi Steven! I am a bit new - how do I get the official invite to the roundtables (I assume you meet via Zoom or some other way)? I won’t be able to make the one on 23Sep as I’ll have my team in town that week for strategy sessions but would love to be added to future invites.

That’s what I’m talkin’ about, @slgoldstein!


@Jamie at GuyKat, so far we have just posted to the community announcing it, and we’ll include a form (coming soon). Everyone that signs up with get a calendar invite for the meeting (that just helps us plan ahead). @dklinger and I try to keep the posts visible so it doesn’t get buried in the masses.


10am ET is 3pm here, so this is one I should be able to make!  I’ll block the time out now 👍🏻

10am ET is midnight here in Melbourne @Neil Patterson , but hey, what else am I going to do in the small hours of Saturday morning, right? Count me in please @steveninfinger .

@Stephen.Barton International travel??  Got any jobs going?? 😊  Although on second thoughts - I’m petrified of spiders, so many not!

Excellent, excited to go to this one!

@steveninfinger   Got it on the books look forward to joining in a couple of weeks.

blocking my calendar for this! Thanks for putting these together @steveninfinger and @dklinger!

One registration form coming up.

Please take a moment and fill out this form. It is a little more involved but will help us formulate this user group into a great one. To prep? We ask for a few things off hand:

  • some simple demographic stuff from you (like your name and email address so that we can send you the calendar invite)
  • to select a breakout session (breakout sessions for this round of the community roundtable will center on Courses and the four topics will be:
    • Course Configurations
    • Course Catalog User Experience
    • CLOR
    • Course Player
  • if you are interested in moderating one of the discussions
  • a list of ideas you would like to see covered at the breakout session

Call For Moderators

As a moderator? You will need to work a little, but will gain a unique benefit of formulating a comprehensive use case with your own twist to it 😉.

Leads of breakout sessions are to facilitate a discussion on the topic they have selected.

Suggested activities include: Pre-work - be ready to offer a 5-10 minute talk through about the function (with the goal of increasing awareness for newer attendees). 1) Bringing to the discussion some popular ideas related to the topic. 2) Explain to the group the ideas. 3) Hone in on one or two ideas. 4) Document/expand the use case related to the idea with business scenarios (more real life, the better). Planned breakout session time 40 minutes.

A goal of the facilitator is to embrace the community voice. Being supportive of all newer thought streams should be highly encouraged...leads should be ready to use ..."Yes! And"...techniques to leave no ideas cut out and not being heard.  

Expectations of leads are to come out of the breakout session with 3 deliverables: 1) Expanded use cases surrounding a feature/features related to the topic. 2) Being able to support a 5-7 minute report out to a larger discussion on some of the outcomes from the breakout session. 3) Add a comment to the idea(s) with the outcomes from the session.

If you are interested in being a Moderator - DM myself and or Steve - and we can setup a time to walk you through the detail.


We are technically now less than a week away and we (honestly) dont have tons that are signed up via the registration form.

Please take a moment if you were planning on coming along:

Some of you have committed via our different forum threads so I will ping this one and the other in hopes of getting you in.

Folks - putting out last calls - if you complete the form? I am happy to forward to you the MS Teams invite.

The week is upon us! @dklinger and I met today to discuss the format of the roundtable, based on your feedback, and we decided to forego the break-out groups and just stay together. We’ll still be discussing course configurations, the CLOR, and the course catalog user experience.

We’re looking forward to everyone bringing their experience, questions, and ideas! 

30 minutes away! If you prefer to fly the seat of your pants and didn’t fill out the form, here’s your opportunity to join us 


Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 265 644 769 88
Passcode: ZRSpph

Download Teams | Join on the web

Thanks @steveninfinger and @dklinger for facilitating a great discussion.  Was nice to put a live face to the screen names too!  Nice way for me to finish work on a Friday evening with a week off ahead of me! 😆

Very nice to catch up @Neil Patterson 

@Neil Patterson you’ve played the game well, sir!

And folks, we closed another strong session. We had @Stephen.Barton from literally the other side of the world...and @Neil Patterson hang around. We had a bunch of key folks with tons of experience...and a healthy share of folks that are into their first few years of implementation. All the fun… a lot of head nods and maybe some inspiration for a few.

It looks like an “activity” of showcasing our sites may come along soon enough at the next session. Show and tells are fun...and something I find myself doing all the time. So yeah….lets do it….🤗

Openly - @steveninfinger and I will be taking a break as a facilitator duo for the rest of the year. We have Docebo Inspire right around the corner...and as we creep closer to the holiday season - we know it is not going to be the easiest thing to get folks to hang out for a few hours with us.

So we are looking forward to get back into the mix 2023.

Should get an Inspire session going that is just hangout time!
