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Check out the newly redesigned Docebo University!

Check out the newly redesigned Docebo University!

We have some pretty exciting news!


The Docebo University (DU) team has been working diligently to redesign Docebo University, aiming to provide an even better learning experience for our users like you and we’re happy to announce the new experience is here! We believe that these changes will significantly improve your interaction with DU.



Here’s what you can expect from the newly redesigned Docebo University:


  • Gamification: To make your learning experience more engaging and enjoyable, we’re introducing badges, points, and leaderboards. Prove you know your stuff by completing courses to earn points and badges and climb the leaderboard.


  • Improved navigability and organization: We’re streamlining the platform, making it easier for you to find what you need and navigate through content effortlessly.


  • Consistent look and feel: With a fresh design, we’re providing a more cohesive and visually appealing experience. Special thanks to our amazing design team for their incredible work!


  • Enhanced existing features: To help you stay on track with your training, we’re optimizing existing features for a smoother learning experience.


Additionally, for our Italian users, we’ve improved the Italian version of Docebo University by offering enhanced translations across all pages and translating the Getting Started with Docebo Learn LP. Please note that all other content will continue to be provided in English at this time. Stay tuned for the delivery of the Getting Started with Docebo Learn LP in French, German, and Spanish later this year.


If you’re interested in learning more about the updates, check out the Introduction to Docebo University course


We can’t wait for you to experience the redesigned Docebo University! So, what are you waiting for? Go take a look!

7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Gamification on DU is so exciting! I can see all the badges and what they mean, but I don’t know how to earn them. I have one badge to start with but no idea how I earned it. I am assuming it is by completing relevant courses but I have completed lots of them and don’t have the respective badges. Is there more I need to do? 
I am aware that badges are not retroactive and neither can I re-complete a course. I do see people on the leader board with over 2,000 points. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +2

@dianex.gomez We’re working on assigning historical badges so hang tight. If you click into the widget on the home page you can see the available badges and how to earn them but in time you’ll receive additional badges as we update and assign badges to legacy users. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

I will wait to see what I have earned. 

I don’t see where it tells me how to earn the badges. In the image below I clicked on the “manage notifications” badge not awarded. It says that this badge means the bage owner, “Understands the functions, properties, structure, and options in setting notifications.” I don’t see how to get that distinction (completing a course/learning plan, action, etc.). Am I looking in the wrong place? 


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Awesome work to all involved. @pmo , curious, is there any discussion of a community event/presentation on the background/thought process/etc. of how this was undertaken and the choices made? Less of a ‘how to use’, more of a ‘here’s how we got there’ conversation? I’d be super interested.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

@Bfarkas We do have some posts in the works that cover that so stay tuned!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@Bfarkas We do have some posts in the works that cover that so stay tuned!

Excellent, can’t wait!!

What would be amazing for the next update of Docebo University is:

  • Ability to unenroll in courses (please turn on that option!!)
  • For any archived courses, or for those courses in permanent maintenance mode, please unenroll learners who are in progress/not started (it’s really annoying seeing the courses I can’t open---and yes, I know about the Hide feature). 
