The Shape team wants to hear from you!

Userlevel 4

Hey all! Wow, I have absolutely loved getting to know all of you. These discussions have been a highlight. Thank you! 

We have an ask. The Shape product team is looking for feedback around your experience. This is all about you, your content creators and making your Shape experience even more enjoyable. 

If you could be so kind as to complete this 5 minute survey around the user experience we would be so grateful. It won’t take long, promise.  

Start Survey! 

If you want to complete the survey but haven’t had a chance to try Shape out yes, sign up for your free trial today! 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

hey @shelbysueschaefer, not sure if I’m missing something but the survey doesn’t seem to be working - it’s actually a link to this thread.

We’ve had a chance to test Shape out a bit and would love to share some of our thoughts :)

Userlevel 4

@abartunek thank you for letting me know! The link is updated and should work now. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

All done thank you for sending this across 
