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Add Machine Learning to the platform

  • 29 October 2021
  • 1 reply

Machine Learning should be part of the platform. We should be able to know and understand learners and provide options for the next piece of content. Think Netflix/Amazon model. We dont want a one and done platform. We want to encourage learners back into the platform consistently. 

Colleen - good evening.

I think part of what you are describing is along the concept of an LXP. Purely an opinion, overall? the UI in Docebo is closer to an LXP that other learning platforms. Being able to consume from channels, the recommendations for content by the AI begins an intriguing story for a learner that engages the system heavily.

That said - from what I have seen - the AI does some reasonable guessing based on trends of how people are taking courses to pass along recommendations to them. 

But importantly? I think you are looking to extend the learner experience with AI/machine learning into a notification that extends that outside of the platform and entices the learner back in.

What a great idea! Lets get beyond the idea freeze and see you add that as an idea for people to vote up. I think it is a type of digest you are after and something along a subscription to a channel concept….
