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Are you using Enrolment Codes?

  • 22 June 2022
  • 5 replies

I am looking at the different ways to enroll users in a course and have found subscription codes, enrollment links, and enrollment codes. 
From what I have leanring about enrollment codes, I don’t see the value of them. If you are using enrollment codes please let me know what value you are getting from them. 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Don't use them either...they basically so the same as subscription codes I guess...good if use that widget somewhere on your pages. And since there is no widget called “Enrolment Codes” am assuming that’s actually the Subscription Code widget, but I may be wrong..


Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Yes, enrollment codes are put into the subscription code widget. The widget is used for both. 

Main differences:

Subscriptions Codes

  • User inputs the coded in the subscription code widget on a page. 
  • Ignores visibility rules
  • You can have multiple codes for a single course
  • Each code can only be used once
  • The system tracks the usage

Enrollment Codes

  • User inputs the coded in the subscription code widget on a page. 
  • Not sure if visibility rules are ignored, but look like they are. 
  • One code per course 
  • Unlimited use of the code (actually there is no limit setting), also means it could be shared
  • The system does not track the usage

Enrollment Link

  • User is automatically enrolled, ignoring visibility rules. 
  • One per course
  • Unlimed use 
  • The system does not track the usage

This is why I am trying to find the value of an Enrollment Code vs. an Enrollment Link. I am trying to figue out the best way to do auto-enroll for various use case and am just trying to understand 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Well, one thing I do not like about the Enrollment link is that it adds the shareable link on the course player page that any user can grab and share...whereas the enrolment code would need to be shared with someone specifically. does that make sense?

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

WOW I didn’t even see that. Thanks for the tip. Enrollment links bypass visibility and anyone with access to the course can share it. OMG!

I will be verifying we do not have enrollment links enabled for our rescricted content. Thanks for the afternoon task!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

phew, thought I was losing my touch...LOL 🤓
