Hello, team,
My context: supporting all eLearnings for employees. Specific group asking is around compliance trainings.
My ask: Has anyone worked out a system to assign courses to users on an annual basis based on their hire date’s anniversary?
The scenario: we want to assign compliance trainings that would need to be renewed/refreshed on an annual basis. We currently believe that we have to deliver this based on the calendar (i.e. pick a time and date and assign it annually). Some of my stakeholders would like to see it assigned on a rolling basis to every user based on their anniversary. I see a significant administrative burden to managing escalations/compliance by each person individually like an anniversary date system would require, but trying to see this through.
My first insights: Certification & Retraining doesn’t work perfectly. I need to be able to change the courses, so it can’t just be one course forever. I’ve looked into switching the course out from the Certification, but that could get in the way of folks who are in the middle of re-certifying.
Automated Groups don't seem to really work either as the only operators for that depend on a specific date in time for a date-specific field. So I can’t set a dynamic date, it has to be on/before/after/between a specific date in time. I’d love it if I could make it on/before/after/between ftoday] or nthe anniversary date].
Thanks to the collective thinkers for any insights!