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Good day - 

I have some power users who want some visibility into course completions.  The courses live within two course catalogs, and are the only courses within said catalogs.  

Unfortunately, functionality isn’t the same when assigning a catalog to users as it is when assigning learning plans.  When you assign a learning plan, the user receives access to all courses within that learning plan.  When you assign a catalog, this is not the case.

The only way I can see to accomplish this is to go through and manually assign the courses (there are 20 of them) to each of the power users.  This quickly becomes a burden when you have dozens of power users you need to do this for.  And unmanageable when you have hundreds.

I cannot assign them based on the automatic assignment if visible, because these users don’t need completion data for the dozens of other courses they have access to and it will make the data irrelevant without having to export and scrub every time.

How does everyone else manage this kind of thing?

Thank you!


HI @DustinSmith I hear what you’re saying and although there are many options to assign course visibility, unfortunately you cannot mix and match the options...If the PU’s only need to see a specific set of data for courses they manage, have you considered using scheduled reports? Or, depending on how many  PU’s you are managing, you might also consider giving them them their own custom catalogues...a bit of stretch on the latter but it never hurts to try...

you might also consider giving them them their own custom catalogues...a bit of stretch on the latter but it never hurts to try...

Custom reports are not as readable as built in reports, so we cannot schedule them

Can you elaborate on the custom catalogues option? Even if I assign them a custom catalog, I’d have to assign them the courses within it for them to have access to see the data from the courses within them.  That’s why I’m not even really sure what assigning a catalog actually DOES do.  I’m guessing it just provides PU’s the ability to assign courses they are assigned to different catalogs.

@DustinSmith for catalogues, if you use the option called, “All courses and LPs in visible catalogues”, what’s in the catalogues you give them access to is only what they can see/do according to their becomes a capsule for each PU….That said, yes you would need to manage each catalogue separately however whenever you create new courses, you can pick & choose which catalogues they go into so once you’ve set them up and get started, management of these catalogues shouldn't take any more time than’d probably just need a list if who should be seeing what courses

@lrnlab They have access to many more catalogs than the two referenced, and so giving them access to all courses and LPs in visible catalogs wouldn’t work.

@DustinSmith not quite sure I follow you but if you created a catalogue of like courses they all have access to and then create custom catalogues only for those course you want them to see and assign only those to the PU, it should achieve the results you're looking for...I think.

@lrnlab Unfortunately assigning power users a catalog doesn’t provide them access to the courses within that catalog.  That’s the entire issue.

@DustinSmith right, so you’d need to change their permissions to allow that…


  1. Courses 1-10 should be accessible by all your PU’s = catalogue #1
  2. Courses 11-20 should be accessible by 25% of your PUs = catalogue #2
  3. and so on

So when you combine the permission to view all courses in visible catalogues + add the catalogues that contain the courses they should see, that should give them the access they need...if I understand you correctly.

A new feature in PU permission also allows you to assign courses access based on Categories so you might want to consider using those to carve out what they can access...perhaps that’ll help

@lrnlab there are many catalogs they have access to that I do not want them to see, and they do not want to see.  So providing them all visible courses in visible catalogs isn’t an option.

@DustinSmith sorry if I can’t seem to get my points across or perhaps I am fully understanding your issue...perhaps you should reach out to support and ask them for some help.
