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Automatic grouping based on course completion

Need help from some experienced Docebo users. 

I have a group built to automatically populate learners based on the completion of a course (Course status is set to complete is the condition of the rule).

1st problem- that automatic group does not appear to consistently add individuals to it. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I can edit something very simple, like the name of the group, the rule will reprocess and add the users with a completed status. 

I have a catalog that is set to be visible only to the above mentioned group. 

2nd problem-The visibility to that catalog is also very sketchy.  Once  Has anyone else had problems with catalog visibility not being dependable?


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @nichole.chandler have had your 1st issue recently and I think there’s another post on this somewhere you may want to look for (can’t recall were it is). Not sure if this is a bug or some kind of sync issue...may be worth logging a ticket. As for your 2nd note, I haven't experienced this but if it based on your group the 2 issues could be related...

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @nichole.chandler - a suggestion walk your menus permissions…between that and people being assigned to catalogs? It tends to be the culprit.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi @nichole.chandler - a suggestion walk your menus permissions…between that and people being assigned to catalogs? It tends to be the culprit.

What do you mean ‘walk your menus permissions”?

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

According to support and the knowledge base the groups can take up to 1 hour to populate. It took my system about 90 minutes to process.

Dislike. Strongly dislike this behavior. 

May the asynchronous gods be in your favor.
