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Hi all, just wondering whether anyone had found a way to autoplay the next lesson once you had completed a current lesson? 

We’re using storyline and have multiple lessons one after the other in this format. We’re finding that we need to add an exit trigger on the last slide of the lesson, as the next lesson doesn’t always open automatically unless we force refresh the page. Ideally, we would like this button to refresh the page to register the completion of the lesson but then for Docebo to automatically move the learner onto the next lesson as the previous one is complete. Are there any settings we can change to make this happen? Or are other people dealing with this in another way?

There is an auto-play option at the learning object level. You can access by opening the settings panel for  the object. Give it a try...hopefully it will work the way you intend it to.


As Irnlab mentioned, AutoPlay is supposed to do just that—on paper.. I’m currently in discussion with support regarding a possible issue where our users are not redirected to the first training material that has not been completed or started, as soon as the user accesses the course:

Not sure if the issue is with the new course player, but our users are always redirected to the last training material they interacted with, whatever their status on the material.

Hi Both, 

Yes I have that autoplay setting enabled, and it autoplays when you enter the course. However what I am after is that the next training material automatically opens once the previous is complete, which this setting doesn’t do (not for me anyway! let me know if that is meant to be its function so I can raise a ticket!)

@LauraHelena Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I am after the same thing. 

Hi @zshapero - no i didnt! Weve created a work around where we put a button at the end of the elearning which has the link to the next training material in.. But this is heavy on the admin as we basicallly have to create the course to get the links and then update all the lessons with the new versions of the lessons with the links in. Not really ideal and there is a definite lag between them playing - so much so we’re considering reverting back to not doing that! 

@LauraHelena Hi Laura, thanks for the reply. I’m looking into your workaround. Do you mind sharing how you linked directly to the next training material? Where can this link be found? Thanks! 
