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There is a bit of setup required here. 


We hold a biweely webinar series where learners can join in live in the session or watch the recording.  Attending/viewing at least 4 of these sessions is a requirement. 

Under the hood

We have built this as a learning plan that contains a series of ILT classes. Each ILT is for a single webinar. So students only have to enroll in one class ( the learning plan) and then they can see a list of both the recorded and upcoming webinars. They can then pick the sessions they want and join when they are live or watch the recording In the ILT’s we have a single session with a single event that ties to a teams meeting. After the webinar is completed we post the recording. So once a learner is in the session they get credit for either live attendence or viewing the recording. We use a badge that a student earns once they have completed at least 4 webinars. THis makes it easy for them and reporting easy for us. 

The issue

The problem we have encountered is within the ILT classes. Once the events in a session are in the past, learners can no longer enroll into the session. So unless they have attended the webinar or registered for the webinar before it happens a learner can access the webinar recordings.  I have been going into the classes weekly and manually adding learners to past sessions so they can access the recording, to make the class complete, and earn their badge. I would prefer to not have to do that.

In building this I have discovered

  1. Learners can not enroll in a session that has already happened.
  2. If you have an ILT with only one session, learners still have to enroll in it once they enroll in the ILT 😡
  3. Learners can not access training materials in an ILT unless they are enrolled in a session.
  4. Creating one class that is an ILT and another that is elearning with the recording in it makes for a really unfun reporting and user experience. 

The question

Is anyone else doing something like this and/or is there a best practice to be able to add the recording to the original ILT session AND let people enroll into the session and watch it after the broadcast date?

I am considering changing the date of the session and event to like 100 years in the future but that feels more like a bandage than an actual solution. 

Thanks in advance 

I have the same problems and no satisfying solution yet. There are already some ideas on these topics (eg. this one: Easy access to recordings of ILT session for users not enrolled to the session | Community). So let’s team up and hope they will gather enough upvotes for Docebo to consider improvement here.
