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Certification "programs" consisting of multiple Learning Plans, Courses with completion options

  • 9 August 2023
  • 1 reply

I want to create a certification “program” that provides a clear learning path for a group of learners to follow, but also allows for some choices in completing the required elements that leads to a specific “certification.”

For instance, I want to be able to do the following where A-K are a mix of Learning Plans, E-Learning Courses and Instructor led courses.

A+B+((D or E) or (F or G))or(H+I+J)+K = Certification

This would allow a more consistent global structure, while still allowing for some regional differences in our business.

is there a way to do what I described?

@Jeff Knowlen We create a certification course shell for instances like this. Then we use groups to find whatever combination of courses you have to auto enroll the user into the certification course shell when they meet whatever criteria you are looking for. Then it’s just a matter of marking everyone as complete in that course. Most people will do it for you by accessing the training material, which is a pdf about how to add your certification to your LinkedIn profile. We don’t put the course shell in any catalogs so no one can find it unless they are auto enrolled. The downside is that it’s another course for each certification.

You can also put them all in a Learning Plan and add the certificate to that.
