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I created a number of learning plans and want them to appear in an order in the catalog and can’t figure out how to do that.

Hi there,

You can arrange the catalog to show the order of items inside from the following options - 

If Name or Newest do not fit the requirement. I would suggest using the Code A-Z method. You can then implement a code on the Learning Plan created to then show these in order.

For example -


This will then shows these in order starting from top to bottom, left to right for the user.

Making use of the code to set the order is a great way to go because it hides the structure while allowing you to decide the order.

To add on to what DPatel suggests—which is what I do as well— I set the order of the catalogs of learning plans on my home page—I had to develop a full scale naming system based on various factor for my learners, sort of like a library’s Dewy Decimal System.

For me priority factors include

  • Custom plans for this customer group
  • Paid content
  • Newest free content

It’s taken some planning to put together but it enables me to have only one home page for many users.

