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Hello guys

Please guide me, 

I created a Channel with 6 courses in it

I set it up to be visualized only in one branch

When test it:

User “A” sees only 2 courses

User “B and D” cant find the channel at all or any other channel

User “C” sees only 1 course

User “E” sees 4 courses



Q1: Do I need to enroll all users to these 6 courses previously ?

Q2: WHy ??  Users B and D cant see any channel? How do I make users B and D visualize channels?


Thank you,

 @lrnlab @lrodman @dklinger @Bfarkas 




a coupe things you can check...have you turned ON the option to display courses in your channels? If YES, then anyone who has access to these course via catalogues should be able to see them.

If your courses require admin approval, they will not appear in your channel.

Have you spotted any difference between the users you are testing with? Do they all have access to the same catalogue? Are the channel visibility rules applicable to all your users?

Thank you. @lrnlab 

I will check those 

@Isram did that work out for you?

@Isram did that work out for you?

Yes, Thank you @lrnlab 
