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Courses self

  • 14 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi Brains Trust,

Any tips are greatly appreciated for how to run a report on courses which have self-enrolment option enabled?  I need to explain to users how to enrol in their courses and I believe the courses created previously are mixed.


1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Hi there,

You can do this via the Courses Export Report. Select all courses from the Course Management area and in the bottom right corner select Choose Action and Export Courses Data


From there select your export criteria and click Next. On the next screen select Export Course Properties and tick this setting along with any other metadata required.

This will then create a background job and produce a Zip file to download. This will include two files.

On the Course Properties sheet, this will display what enrollment policy has been set on the course.

I hope this is of help!
