Hi Everyone
I am trying to create a Fill in the Blank test question and failing miserably. What I am reading in the guidance notes doesn’t seem to tally with what I am looking at on the screen and the screen example is so small and moves so quickly that it is no help whatsoever. In short it’s driving me round the bend.
I am trying to create a question that has just one blank to fill.
The guidance states:
“Begin by writing the question in the Question box. Below, you will see a plus sign button labeled Add Answer. Click this button to add the possible answers for a single blank in the question, then type the correct answers in the box labeled accordingly.”
No idea what the “box labeled accordingly” is so, rightly or wrongly, I have created this:

but when I try to SAVE CHANGES I get this message:

I’m assuming when it refers to ‘title’ it means question. If I add all the possible answer shortcodes in the question I can SAVE CHANGES but when I preview the question it looks like this:

I only need one blank to be completed and how/where do I indicate which of the possible answers is the correct one?