
Discussion Board/Forum

  • 24 January 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi everyone, 

Our organization is looking into buying Docebo and I have been assigned to look into how we can create discussion posts.

In our current LMS we ask a question on a discussion board (this feature came with our current LMS) and then learners have to add a new post plus reply to 2 other learners posts. We are able to track this in our current LMS, as these steps for each discussion post, are part of the passing grade for the learner.

I am wondering if any one else does this and if so, what are you using?


Any help would be appreciated.


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi @wendy.pasko while there is an option for adding a discussion forum to a course, I didn’t notice any way for linking the activity on the forum with the course progress or completion criteria.

I’d suggest that you discuss your specific use-case with the Docebo’s sales/pre-sales team, as they may be able to suggest an alternative solution allowing you to reach your goals.
