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Does a course in a learning plan have to be in a visible catalog for the user to see it?

I was reading THIS KB article and in the section with heading: Assigning Courses to your Learning Plan
It talks about adding courses to the learning plan, and that when the user enrolls in the learning plan, they are automatically enrolled in the courses within the plan… 


  • Question:
    • I don’t want the courses within the learning plan to appear in a search..
      • Do the courses have to be in a course catalog visible to the same users that the LP is visible to? - I think it would be awesome to have courses created, but not in any course catalog (not searchable) and only in the LP… is that possible?!?
    • Right now, when I create a learning plan, and check the ‘show in course catalogs’ it seems to be visible to ALL power users in the platform, even though it isn’t in a catalog yet…but only when users are searching for terms that match the LP or courses within..  as are the courses within the LP… 
  • Example: 
    • We have an HQ Onboarding LP that is for new hires, but one of the affiliates in our franchise network (not an HQ employee) searched for ‘onboarding’ and found and enrolled in the LP… BUT… the LP is in a course catalog that is only visible to a few people on the LMS team at HQ (the course catalog the LP is in is NOT visible to the affiliate in the network who found, enrolled in, and completed the courses within the LP. 
  • How do you keep LPs from being seen while you are working on them if they can’t be kept hidden from power users who have the ability to see ‘all courses and learning plans in visible catalos’   *** again… the LP is NOT in a catalog yet, but the PU can still see it….. weird, right?!?

11 replies

Userlevel 7
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Permissions and profiles remain a tricky topic.

There is a lot of discussion about search and ideas floating around how we need better control over who can see what learning object and/or LP with it.

That said? I believe the answer is no to your question. You can limit its visibility in the search But once the LP you have that visible in course catalogs you are then effectively making it visible and that changes the story for you. 

Keep that visible in course catalogs unchecked…and I think you are cooking. But let me make sure of something…is it they are picking it up via the Learning Plan menu via the Admin tools?

I am by far not an expert…but I hope this has a good outcome.

Userlevel 4

@dklinger - They are not accessing the LP through the admin tools, just the basic search, and it isn’t IN a course catalog yet… This has to be a bug??

The box is checked, but it is yet to be in a catalog (because we are still working on it and want to make sure it’s ready before we put it in a catalog to be visible to users). 

Follow up question … I must be missing it … how can you see which course catalogs a Learning Plan is in? 

Userlevel 7
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This does sound like a funny bug if they are able to search the learning plan through the global search if you can confirm the LP is not in a catalog.


For your follow up question - you will need to go through each catalog and search for the Learning plan. 

Userlevel 4

@Annarose.Peterson - thank you….. a ticket was submitted, and the team is working thru it. 
re: the answer to the follow up… I think I just passed out at my desk a little… we have nearly 200 course catalogs… If I have to look through each one to find which ones a learning plan is in … … 😫

Userlevel 7
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aye yay yay.

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Userlevel 7
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@Adam Ballhaussen, @erin.brisson - good afternoon - a question - this conversation seems to be daunting for Tavia. Is this an example of something that can be navigated with @TaviaRitter’s CSM/CXM?

Userlevel 4

@Adam Ballhaussen - I heard last year (when we on boarded) that course catalogs being a legacy item within the platform, would be getting a UI/UX update to look more like channel and course management… we’ve had a shift in our contacts within Docebo, and now the message seems to be that the UI/UX update for Course Catalogs has been de-prioritized… 

Any official update would be appreciated… as it stands, managing this is a bit of a beast. ;) 


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thanks for tapping me in @dklinger! I see that @TaviaRitter has been working with @harrison.stolz via a ticket. Tavia, that’s going to be the best place to work through the challenges you’re experiencing with Course / LP / Catalog visibility. You’re in good hands with Harrison!


As for the timing of course catalog improvements, I know the development team plans to start development work in Q4 ‘22. I’m not sure when the team plans to deliver the enhancements, but you can expect to start seeing more requests for feedback on specific ideas re: course catalogs in the community later this year as our team ramps up work for these improvements.

Userlevel 7
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@TaviaRitter - Michael Jackson’s “you are not alone”…comes to mind…


Userlevel 4


You are not alone, I am HERE with you

