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I have a list of people for which we require the pdf user summaries downloaded.

Anyone know of a way i can “automate” or at least achieve this via the API? Doing it manually is… slow.

Hello Maz,

Andrew here from Docebo Premium Support, and thank you for posting this. I 100% agree that downloading these one-by-one is a slow process. You have my understanding of the impact this has on your ability to quickly access learner information in bulk. While there isn’t a way to do this in bulk via the UI or easily via API, there are a few options that might be worth investigating further:

  • We have an Idea on our Ideas Portal here that I would definitely recommend joining me in upvoting. Our Product team is very interested in additional upvotes and/or comments on that.
  • We also have an endpoint via our API that is a GET call to /manage/v1/user/activities that shows some of the details on those pages. In addition to this endpoint, almost all of the information on the User Personal Summary / My Activities Page (they’re the same thing with different names) is surfaceable via API. If you could please share which specific items you’re looking to gather, I would be happy to walk you through calling this endpoint via either Postman (a third-party API utility) or the API Browser (accessible via
  • It’s also likely that a custom Connect recipe could automate something like this by grouping all of the APIs in question to build a more complete picture. This would be a good conversation to have with your Customer Success Manager, as it comes at a cost, and the initial setup is outside of Support Scope.

I’m here to assist further if you want to go a bit more indepth. Although this is a venue shared with other customers like yourself, so I would encourage the added privacy of a Support Ticket if any account specifics are to be shared. Instructions to open such a ticket with our Support Team can be found in this Knowledge Base here.

Best of luck with your use case, and please let me know if I can assist further :)

Thanks. I’m familiar with using the API, however it was the PDF’s generated by the system that we wanted for an audit. (Less chance of tampering with a PDF than a csv).



Thanks for the reply! That’s entirely fair enough, and I can definitely see how this would be a solid improvement. I can confirm that there isn’t currently a way to bulk export the PDF’s themselves short of creating a program that navigates through the front-end and clicks the download button on its own by going through URLs for each user.

Something like that could likely be created, but it’s outside the scope of our Support team. Might be a good discussion to have with your CSM though.

I also wish we had something like this already, and I’ve firmly upvoted the above Idea.
