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One of my departments is looking into the idea of having it where once a user has been at the company 90 days it will automatically enroll them into a learning plan. I know that the Enrollment App will do so if they are placed into a group, but I simply am not certain how to make it where it references 90 days after their Hire Date is input. Any suggestions, API or otherwise?

If you have a course you assign to new hires on Day 1, you can set that course as a prerequisite for the first course in the 90-day learning plan.


Then enable Postpone Access and set it to 90 days after the prereq is met.

I’ve gotten a little more information back from the internal team about this. There are a few more bits of information. Firstly, the intention is to enroll newhires into 1 learning plan. Then, 90 days after employment, it’ll enroll them into the 2nd learning plan. 90 days later, another learning plan, etc, for a full year of 4 learning plans. Now, I could set it to, after 90 days, then 180 days, etc, move from one learning plan to the next, but my question would me if enrolling them into the “first course” of a learning plan would enroll them into the whole learning plan.


I’ve gotten a little more information back from the internal team about this. There are a few more bits of information. Firstly, the intention is to enroll newhires into 1 learning plan. Then, 90 days after employment, it’ll enroll them into the 2nd learning plan. 90 days later, another learning plan, etc, for a full year of 4 learning plans. Now, I could set it to, after 90 days, then 180 days, etc, move from one learning plan to the next, but my question would me if enrolling them into the “first course” of a learning plan would enroll them into the whole learning plan.

@Matthew.Shumway When I solutioned for this I was using enrollment rules to trigger assignments based on membership to our root branch. Our users are programmatically created in our system from our source upstream. So when the account is newly created, they are added to the root branch and then the enrollment is triggered. 

We encountered some issues with this method, however, because we had several thousand tenured users that were not required to take the training and had no completion record in the course, so if the user moved from one nested branch to another they would receive the enrollment. 

I solved for this by creating an automatic group, manually loaded the entire user base, then setup a branch-based condition for membership into the group. I also made sure to ‘manage group users’ by removing deactivated accounts, so even if the account is added to the branch but is not active, the enrollment would not trigger until the account became active. Once the group is setup, I configured the enrollment rule to use group-based logic and it was all set. Enrollment rules don’t look backwards, so once the rule was enabled I was truly enrolling new users that hit our system.

From there, I think you can prerequisites to automate the rest of your enrollment process. 

Hello. I just had something similar happen. We use Workday to feed in employee information. I asked the Workday team to add some calculated fields for “# Days After Hire” (14 Days After Hire, 30 Days After Hire, 60 Days After, and 90 Days After), so it counted from date of hire. If the number of days wasn’t met, the field would say NO, if it was equal or more than the number of days it would say YES. 

I mapped those fields to be on user profiles in Docebo, then created custom user groups with that field. So it would only let people in the user group if they had a YES for 90 Days After Hire. Then you can set up a learning assignment, etc. 
