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Is there a way to search the platform for a session/event ID? I.e. to search by session or event ID and find which course and session it’s located in?

you can run the report called, Users - ILT Sessions...these are the view options:


Amazing, great idea, thank you. Would be nice to have the functionality within the platform, rather than having to export the data externally. That also works if there’s someone enrolled in the session, but it worked in this case - thank you again.

Then session ID is visible on screen but not the Event ID. You may need to enable that column in your view the session ID


Depending on how many and what you are doing, I also just sometimes navigate to a random Event, and then in the URL just replace the Event ID with the ID of the event I am looking for, you are then within it and you can easily nav to the session/course details to adjust or do whatever you want.

