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We are in the process of updating a few of our Learning Plans. I struggle with creating a bunch of new ones (because filters and sorting isn’t ideal). Anyway we have run into an issue where the majority of our staff all need our New Hire Learning Plan, however, we have one course in there that some will not need. Because the course is in the Learning Plan, we can not enroll the individuals from the plan, and we can’t suspend it, or the Learning Plan will never be “completed”. How do you all get around this? Do you have different Learning Plans for everything? Do you enroll the one single course outside of the Learning Plan for those that need it? Looking for options! 

Hey Stephanie,

I don’t think there’s a lot of options here. The way I see it, you can:

  1. Create separate learning plans.
  2. Ignore the fact that learning plans are not 100% completed (although it might be annoying to some users and they may think it is required).
  3. Create a learning plan without that one course and then enroll users who need it to this course separately.
  4. Create one learning plan BUT change the status of that one course to “completed” to the ones, who don’t need it.
  5. If you’re 100% sure your users won’t “cheat”, you can include a short test, e.g. “do you need this course?” in the beginning and mark it as “end object marker”. If users answer “no”, then they would get a point and pass the test, therefore, completing the course. If they answer “yes”, they still have to do the rest.

One more note - if you choose the fourth option, the best way to do it, would probably be to enroll all users who don’t need that one specific course, to exactly this course. Then select all users and change their status to completed all at the same time. Afterwards, you could enroll them to the learning plan and this one course would remain completed for them, whereas it would be in progress for others…

Not sure if that helps but I can’t think of anything else… 

@abartunek That’s kinda what I was thinking but that you for the confirmation! Options 1 and 3 were what we discussed internally this morning as well! 

I was thinking of marking the course complete as you mentioned in “4” but it happens to be the one course is a compliance issue is the “DO” complete it, so that’s not an option in the one use case I’ve run into this week. 


@Stephanie Dreiling in this case, I would probably go with the third option. It’s a bit more work and your users will have that one extra course listed on their to-do list but in the end, it’s the least confusing one…

Good luck!

@Stephanie Dreiling We have this situation too. In one case - certain groups get a pre-assessment that they have to take before the first course in the learning plan and in another case (a little more clear cut) we have two versions of one course that vary slightly depending on their user group. We opted for separate learning plans in both cases. Couldn’t really see any other way around it. So we have two learning plans with the same name but different codes. Everyone gets Unit 1 but depending on their group, the Learning Plan varies as stated above. I have auto enrollments that help ensure people get into the right learning plan. It works and luckily it doesn’t cause any issues for us in reporting. 

Hi, @Stephanie Dreiling @Cindy McElhinney @abartunek  I'm Riccardo, Product Manager for Core LMS @ Docebo. I just want to inform you that in the coming months we will work on a pretty big update of the Learning Plans and one of the improvements already planned is the possibility of inserting optional courses within a plan. It is actually a fairly common use case that today in Docebo Learn requires some workaround and that we would like to cover more completely. A direct solution will therefore be available soon within the product. 

@riccardogalimberti That’s awesome news. Thanks for sharing future plans. I’ll look forward to the update!

@riccardogalimberti Thanks for sharing that! It’s amazing news, super excited for that update!!!

Hi, @Stephanie Dreiling @Cindy McElhinney @abartunek  I'm Riccardo, Product Manager for Core LMS @ Docebo. I just want to inform you that in the coming months we will work on a pretty big update of the Learning Plans and one of the improvements already planned is the possibility of inserting optional courses within a plan. It is actually a fairly common use case that today in Docebo Learn requires some workaround and that we would like to cover more completely. A direct solution will therefore be available soon within the product. 

This is really great news. I hope the UI for the Learning Plans is improved like the Course Management UI was as it is really cumbersome to use with many 10s of LPs. Learning Plans are gold and if they allow more flexible combinations of courses, pre-requisites, optional courses, etc.. and UI improved, it will be so much more useful.

Hi @jckemv, sure! The UI will be adapted to the new standards. Normally we update UIevery time we put our hand to a pre-existing feature, it is an unwritten rule for us we follow quite scrupulously if there are no particular impediments.

Great to here these changes are coming @riccardogalimberti. Do you have a timescale on delivery?

We would love to see a really rich LP functionality where we can create an LP from any content across the platform. Learning takes many forms and the LP should reflect this, so we might want a document or video from a channel, a course, a webinar, and an ILT session to make up a programme of training that would sit in a LP.

sorry to hijack old thread but is there any update on when we might get optional courses in learning plans?

@riccardogalimberti: when will learning plans be updated? We NEED to be able to add sections with titles/subtitles, descriptions, optional courses, “choose one of the following” -- these are BASIC requirements for a learning plan. Please update the community as to when this will occur. A year ago, you said “in the coming months.” :(

@riccardogalimberti an update would be great, came across this need today, any ETA?

I agree this would be really helpful, right now the Learning Plan functionality is way too rigid, a higher flexibility would be great!
