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Expired users still show in ILT sessions


I have a large customer managing a large number of ILTs every month. When an employee leaves the organisation they add an expiry date to their user account. 

What they noted that these 'expired' employees, if they had an ILT session booked in the future, they remain on the booking despite of the fact that they left the organisation. 

This causes issues as the company has high turnover and busy ILT sessions, so these 'leavers' remain on the enrolment preventing other people booking onto the course if full. 

Shouldn't inactive and expired users automatically taken out or discounted from the ILT booking?




4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

We just recently noticed that an expired user is still technically active for some reason...I need to ask support about the difference between deactivating a profile vs. expiring it...from what I can tell, expired users are treated differently than inactive ones in the LMS. You can see in reports that these 2 statuses are different.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Our process includes expiring term employees, then unenrolling them from any incomplete courses. We have tried everything but never found any status that would actually remove someone from classes they were already enrolled into. 

Userlevel 3

Thanks both, support’s response:

“From what I understand, the customer has the feeling that the expired user should be automatically disenrolled from the ILT course that they are enrolled in. I understand the importance of your customer's request for you, however, this is not how the current feature works and I can confirm that this is expected behaviour.
This is also explained in our Knowledge Base article on User Levels, Roles and Statuses as below:
That being said, In Docebo, we have to take care of this manually I am afraid.
I checked the Ideas Portal in Docebo Community and this idea has been proposed by another client. You can access the Idea directly here: More possibilities to deal with (un)enrollments of expired users to add your vote. I have already spared my vote on this for you!
Please note that due to the volume of product enhancement requests we receive, we are unable to guarantee specific feedback about the approval of this enhancement request. However, you can monitor the Product Updates page for news of new feature implementations.
Moreover, I have run a test for the "Deactivated" users status and see if the other users could be enrolled in the sessions within the set max enrolment, however, setting up the users already enrolled as "deactivated" did not allow the next user to be able to enrol in the sessions. Please see the attached screen recording for you to better follow. Adding our Knowledge Base article on Enrolling Users in Courses and Sessions via CSV Files for further reference.
All in all, the only possibility for the customer is to create a CSV file via the User Export feature ( for easy CSV creation)  and un-enrol them from the courses as CSV upload. You may see the attached screen recording for User Export.
I know this was not the answer that you were expecting, however, I hope this helps explain and assist the customer with the workaround suggested.”


Userlevel 3

The problem is that this customers’ user provisioning and deactivation of users has been automated so they can’t just add to the process, they will have to create a new process of identifying these individuals, report on what courses they may have enrolled in the future and then unenrol them. Not ideal.
