Forum as a space hub for learners?

  • 4 September 2023
  • 4 replies

Hi everybody, 
I’m looking for a hub in Docebo for learners.
My company requested a space where people can exchange learning materials, share official communications with tutor and lecturers, and so on. Is the forum a valid option for those activities? Should the forum be linked to a single ILT course?
I’m not very familiar with Docebo as a LMS (I’m far more experienced with Articulate tools) so I’m looking for help!
Thank you!


Have a good day!


4 replies

Just realized it’s not the right category, can I delete the post?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @piacol91 

Normally the forum widget is tied to a single course, but there are some possible workarounds as discussed in the following post.


Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Just as a side note, if you decide to use the forum widget and want your learners to be able to share learning materials, you will need to enable the following checkbox in the forum settings.


Userlevel 7
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You might also be able to make use of a channel.  I know for things like communications to everyone you would have to create a PDF file to upload to a channel, but then you can have conversation/ask questions on specific assets in a channel as well, much like you can with a forum.  This way it is not tied to a single course (though you could add an elearning course to channel if you wanted to). 


You also have notifications that can be triggered by channel use too (in case you need to notify folks of new information being added to channel).
