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I am trying to leverage Docebo’s reporting feature to get a full audit of all of our courses on our platform. There are hundreds of courses that I cannot get to show up in a report because (I think) Docebo will only let me run reports that correlate users to courses and those courses do not have any users enrolled in them. I spent some time playing around with reporting settings yesterday and cannot find a way to get the information I am looking for. Anyone have any idea of a workaround here? Ideally I am able to get a report that shows all of our courses, the corresponding courseid, and the number of users enrolled in that course. Any help would be appreciated.

@mshumway  did you check the Courses Dashboard in the Reports section?


You can export there the list of all courses with the enrollment numbers. You will get:


@mshumway  did you check the Courses Dashboard in the Reports section?


You can export there the list of all courses with the enrollment numbers. You will get:


That still only gives me courses “related to the users.”


Oh, indeed. you’re right… I never realized this (we only have a handful courses without any enrollments).

Maybe try reporting this as a defect to the support. I’d expect, that this dashboard should be listing also courses without any enrollments (in the end it says All Courses).

Hi @mshumway

I got round this by setting up an auto enrollment for a test account. It means that the test account is enrolled on every course. 

I then download the courses that way. It’s not ideal and very annoying but that’s the only way I’ve managed it. If you find a better way let me know.

Same as @Lucy.blake, we have to put someone on the roster. Generally, we have the course creator preview their course before putting it into a catalog so that there is someone on the roster.

Thanks @Lucy.blake and @Annarose.Peterson. Those are great suggestions, but I am still running into issues. Could Docebo cap the amount of courses I can run a report on? I confirmed the test account I created is enrolled in all 3983 of our courses, but I can still only generate reports showing 926 courses. Where are the others? I also tried to run a user report on just the test user to generate a list of courses that way, but it wont even let me run it. Not sure what else to do here.
