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Hide instructor information from course page

  • 12 August 2021
  • 7 replies

I have instructors enrolled to my courses so that the right people can receive notifications of course completion. But I don’t want learners to see who those instructors are because we use a shared inbox for any communication.

When I open the course and click on a learning object, any that are played inline display course instructor information even though I haven’t added the relevant widget to the course.

Is there a way to hide the info again?

7 replies

Userlevel 3
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We needed this as well because we assign instructors at the session level, not the course level. 

A third-party consultant helped us remove the instructor list from our listings. They did this via CSS. 

Here’s the code, but I can’t guarantee it will work exactly for your situation. 

#panel-2 > div > dcl wrapper > ng-component > div > div > .instructor-info { display: none;

Userlevel 3

That’s a great question and thank you for the response Holly.

Would like to know if it worked for you @ChristinaC, for I want to achieve the same too. 


Hi there, 


I tried this and it doesn’t seem to have worked. Is there any other CSS that could possibly work to hide the Instructor on the class viewing page? 


Thank you!

Userlevel 4

We want to do the same. We have facilitators who launch and host the Zoom virtual ILTs but we have to list them as instructors on the course because of a Zoom limitation. (If Ted is the actual instructor but Lily launches the ILT, Lily would show up to the participants as “Ted” and it was confusing.) 
Long story short, we have to list our facilitators as instructors in the course so they show up correctly during the sessions/events but they are not actually the instructor so I want to hide that info from the learners. 

Userlevel 4

I created an idea for this. Please upvote and add your scenarios. 


Userlevel 5

I have instructors enrolled to my courses so that the right people can receive notifications of course completion. But I don’t want learners to see who those instructors are because we use a shared inbox for any communication.

When I open the course and click on a learning object, any that are played inline display course instructor information even though I haven’t added the relevant widget to the course.

Is there a way to hide the info again?

I know you posted this a long time ago.  Wondering if you resolved the issue.  I’m interested in the part where you say it’s displaying the instructor information even though you haven’t added the Instructor widget.  I’d like to see where it’s displaying the information in case some of my users might be seeing something I’m not aware of.  If this is still an issue, could you add a screenshot of the instructor information, with the Inspect information (i.e., go to where the information is displaying, right click on the element, click Inspect, and screenshot both panels)?  That will expose the CSS element that impacts display. 


A couple years ago we had hidden our instructors with CSS, but with updates, the CSS no longer works. We had a 3rd party vendor help us with this and we no longer use that vendor and we can’t figure out how to hide it.  Has anyone had any success lately?
