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Does anyone have any idea if it is possible to hide the Start Learning Now button from a course where there is also a Renew Now button? 


We have a new course that people are asked to complete as a renewal course, this in turn updates the certification data. However, if they select Start Learning Now and not the Renew Now option- it will bypass the renewal process? This is therefore causing us lots of work, having to cross-check completion data from the course and expired certification data. 




In the course player you can set autoplay on. The first course material will automatically start. 
Note, if it is a SCORM file you will still have to launch it. In this case autoplay eliminates a click.


Thanks, @dianex.gomez - I will certainly give this a try. My concern is that it will still bypass the renewal process and therefore not update the certification. 

I will let you know how I get on :-) 

@Lucy Dolphin What renewal process are you using?

We are using the new archive method. When a certification/retraining is expiring the learner hits “renew”, the previous enrollment (completion) is archive and, the learner is re-enrolled into the course, then the course is launched and the first training material autoplays. All this happens based on the “renew” button. The learner only sees the course launching. 

This is how I have seen it in my testing. Test with your use case, I never go live without testing with my own use case. 

Note, if the user was not previously enrolled in the course, e.g. manaully assigned the certificaiton, they will be directed to enroll to start the course. 
