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I need to automatically notify a program owner, via email, when a user has completed a specific learning plan.

The user earns a Credly badge when the LP is complete and we don’t have an integration with Credly yet (working on it). I need the notification in the meantime so the program owner can manually issue the badge. The daily completion rate is sporadic (could be days/weeks before someone completes a LP or could get multiple completions in one day), so we need a notification to trigger the badge creation. 
Also, the program manager is not a Docebo admin at any level. 

I don’t see any way to add a named user in a notification, any other suggestions? 

@dianex.gomez a proposal…this works if you can critical path them through a last course in your LP.

1) make the person/office an instructor and

2) put them into the last course.

3) Make the LP go to completion with said course being the last course in the LP (establish pre-reqs for all the other courses to be completed before unlocking the last one).


4) Leverage the “user has completed the course” notification to the instructor. They will get all notifications about a learner completing the LP by them completing the course.

@dklinger Thanks for the suggestion. It looks a bit convoluted just to get a notification. I’m going to keep this open to see if I get any other suggestions while I research reporting options. 

Hi @dklinger 

I had a similar question and was thinking of an answer along the same lines but I’m guessing your suggestion only works for an ILT course, you can’t have instructor on a course with only eLearning materials, correct ?

@Stephen.Barton- no - you can achieve this. I am currently doing it.

I think the only thing to be careful of is insuring that you have your scope for the notification down pat.

The instructor needs to be in the same branch/group that should be scoped to the notification.

The instructor may need to be in the same branch/group where your learners are….

I have discovered that there is a web hook for course completions. With the web hook, you can use an API to send an email to a named user(s), whether they are a user in your Docebo instance or not.

Unfortunately there is no web hook for a learning plan completion right now. Work around is to create a final course in your LP that is locked until all the other courses are compete. This course will complete the learning plan. You can then trigger your notification when the final course is complete using the web hook and API. 
One more thing, a learning plan web hook is on the roadmap for this year along with the learning plan refactoring. I am looking forward to this one as it will make it easier. 
