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I am trying to figure out why courses I create are locked.  And, how to unlock them.


Thank you!

What do you mean “locked”? Can you provide a screenshot?

Are they Published?

@dgaughan This is usually because of one of the following:

  • You haven’t published the course
  • The training materials aren’t assigned
  • The validity period has passed
  • A validity period for a learning plan that contains the course has passed

Unfortunately, you just have to kinda hunt and peck to find what’s blocking it.  Good luck.

Thank you!  The course is published, but does this mean a course has to be assigned to someone for them to have access to it?  They can’t simply search the course out and take it?


A coworker sent this to me…


And this 


@dgaughan Depends…

A course needs to be assigned to “something” that can be put on the dashboard … a learning plan, a catalog, a channel...or you’ve added the Task List as a widget and assigned all courses and Learning Plans to the task list.

That screenshot would indicate that it wasn’t published, but if you say that it is (via Course Management), then I would focus on the validity dates of that course FOR THAT USER. Can you log in as that person and see their dashboard? Does that give you any additional information?


@dgaughan The Access Denied screenshot makes me think that this person is a power user? If yes, is the course (and the learning plan, catalog, channel, etc) available to that PU in their resources?

@dgaughan It might be helpful if you could tell us the following:

  1. Is it in a learning plan, and does the Learning plan have at least 1 mandatory course? Is the LP published?
  2. Is the course or the LP in a catalog? Is it a private or public catalog?
  3. Does the course have any assigned validity dates? Does the LP have any assigned validity dates?
  4. How do your users generally find their courses?
  5. Is this person a PU?
