We recently started testing out the forum widget within courses. We turned on the new discussion notification for the forum expecting it to notify enrolled users of new discussion posts; however, it seems that ALL of our users are getting notifications for new discussions. Is that right? Is there a way to send these notifications to enrolled users only?
Depends on now yo use them…
Have you read this? https://help.docebo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020125679-Managing-the-Course-Layout-and-Content
you might have better luck with Channels set-up with Cohorts; this keeps the conversation to only this in a single group so notifications would also be confined to those users only.
You might also look at the “Comments” widget instead of the Forum as it will notify one those users who participated in the comments panel.
So, upon more investigation, it appears the notification did not actually trigger from a new discussion in the forum. It triggered when someone posted a comment on the comment widget of a separate course (one of our all staff courses). See Forum: Comments.

I am a bit confused. It seems as though the comment and forum widgets are one in the same - albeit with a different UI. Is that right? I confirmed this by turning on the comments widget in the same course as the forum and all the forum discussions appear as comments. By that logic, a new comment also equals a new discussion, which is why this triggered a notification. That seems like very odd behaviour. Am I way off on this?
That’s kind of wild if true….going to platform to try it out now….
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