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I am using the automation app to temporarily expire users who go on employment leave. The rule looks at the user's employment status (additional field), and if it is set to "on leave," then it sets an expiration date for the user - effectively expiring them in the system. We have another rule that unexpires them when they return. We do this to prevent users who are on leave and their managers from getting course reminders and notifications, which has become a major nuisance for leaders (and a major source of ticket volume for us).


Naturally, this has created another challenge for us. At the start of each year, we run our annual code of conduct training. We enroll all users into this training via groups. Expired users, despite appearing in groups, are not enrolled. This creates a gap in our compliance as users on leave never get enrolled and never receive notifications to complete the training when they return from leave. 


Right now, the solution is to 1) enroll folks when they return or 2) occasionally re-enroll the groups to capture users who have returned from leave. Both of these options require manual intervention.


Does anyone have any creative workarounds for enrolling expired users into courses?

What if you exclude them in your groups by status (on leave) and only include those that are active (based on the additional field data) so when they return and their status I updated to “active” they would become part of the group and then be assigned...would that work?

Thanks @lrnlab! This is the correct and simple solution.
