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How to stop courses appearing in All channels?

We have all users enrolled in lots of courses. We want to use channels as a way to show other, non-course related topics, but when we use the main search bar in All Channels, it searches all the channels but also brings back  the courses as well.


Does anyone know a way to make the All Channels search only look in the channels and not the courses as well?

14 replies

Userlevel 7

Hi @RobW, and thank you for reaching out to the community about this! To clarify, the courses appearing in the All Channels search are not in any of the channels, and thus should not show up?

Userlevel 3

Hi @elliott.vickrey  - yes, that’s right.  When we search for a relevant term in the search field, it brings back any asset that has that term from any of the channels, but also any courses that the user is enrolled in.

I would have thought the search in All Channels would only show results from just the channels and not courses/LPs that the user is enrolled in to. 

As we have a lot of courses and LPs, it’s going to make the search results very cluttered.

(edit:  I’ve checked the course and it’s not linked to the channel)


Userlevel 7

That does sound odd @RobW! When testing in my own platform, I don’t see the same behavior. Would you mind providing a screenshot to confirm which search bar you are using on the All Channels page?

Userlevel 3

Hi @elliott.vickrey  - here’s the screenshot of the search.  It’s the main search bar that appears within the all  channels page:



I see the filters option contains courses  / LPs, but I can’t force the filter to be on for other users, and so ideally we’d just stop the courses and LPs from showing.

Userlevel 7

Thank you for confirming this @RobW! In this case, I would suggest checking the courses that appear in the search to make sure they do not appear in any channels (and thus would be expected to show up in the channel search). You can do this by looking the course up in Course Management and checking the Channels tab.

Courses and learning plans should only show in the all channels search when they also appear in at least one channel. If you can show that the courses appearing are not assigned to any channels, I would recommend you open a ticket with our help desk, as we’d love to help you resolve this issue!

Userlevel 3

@elliott.vickrey Thanks.


Just a thought  - you mentioned that if it’s in one channel, then it will be returned in the results of a search in all channels.  We’ve removed the tick for “published” for the built in channels such as “Invitations and subscriptions” - I presume by being enrolled in a course, that would automatically put the course into one of the standard channels for that user, which would potentially be why it’s showing? (even though that standard channel isn’t published)


Any thoughts on how we could bypass this? We’re really just trying to get the All channels search to look through all listed channels, but to show no course or LP content, just assets we add.  There is a filter on the search, but I don’t know if we can adjust that centrally that so all users don’t see courses or LPs automatically? or change the default channels to not pick up courses, even when the not published?


Some images below:

I created a new course (“Rob test”), which has no links to a channel or anything in it, just a course title.  I enrolled a test user into the course, and then logged in as that test user.  In the all channels page, they could see the channels i’d given the user access to, which didn’t include the course.  When I searched for “rob”, the course came up.


Here’s the course channel page:


Here’s the enrolled test user:


Here’s the view when I log in as the test2 account, and search for the course name in the All Channels page:





Userlevel 7

@RobW I see! So the “My learning activity history” channel is not published? In my testing, having this channel published was the only way to make enrolled courses appear (if they are not otherwise in a channel), but the changes took a few minutes to apply.

Userlevel 3

@elliott.vickrey correct - I only have channels that I’ve created published.


Given that it still seems to show the course, even though the generic channels aren’t published, any thoughts on how we could remove or automatically filter out the courses from the All Channels search?

Userlevel 7

@RobW Given that you don’t have the “My learning activity history” channel published, I would suggest opening a ticket with our support team to clarify the behavior here and determine if there is an issue. Would you like me to open a ticket for you?

Userlevel 3

@elliott.vickrey yes - that would be great.  For the time being we’ve hidden the search bar on the All Channels page, so at least people can’t see the courses.

Userlevel 7

Sounds good @RobW! I’ve created a ticket for you, and you should receive a notification email shortly. Thank you for bringing your issue to us!

Hi @elliott.vickrey

Are you able to support me please, as I am having a similar issue. (image below)

When I search in the “Search content in the platform” bar, which is at the top of every page, it is showing the e-learning course and the SCORM file. I have tested this on a basic user account who hasn’t been enrolled to the learning plan the course is added to or the course it self. 


How do I make this search only show courses and not the SCORM file also? I am happy for learners to see courses they aren’t enrolled to in the search but I do not want duplication in the search result showing the course and SCORM file.






Userlevel 1

@kyle.cooke did you ever get an answer on this?

@ariel.zimmerman, my solution was to add some code/ javascript to remove the search bar completely from all pages. 

There is a suggestion for this, but seems like it is too much work for Docebo to do. :( 
