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We are going to be launching Gamification on our platform and wanted to know if anyone has already launched Gamification on their platform. Do you have any ideas or suggestions on creating badges, leaderboards (internal and external) and contest (internal and external)?


Hi Swatson,

we’ve been using the gamification elements for a few months now - badges and leaderboards - and they are proving to be a big hit with users.  We’ve set up badges against the key user actions e.g. replies, likes, ratings, completing course activities etc.  These are very popular.  We’ve also set up the leaderboards so there is one general leaderboard and one per branch.  Users liked these, but they are cumulative so early adopters were always at the top of the list.  With one of the latest updates we’ve also been able to set up a leaderboard per branch and month which means that everyone competes on a level playing field and our branch managers can use them to reward and recognise people in their area who are doing well on the site.

I’d be happy to answer any other questions on this if I can.


We use gamification but in our case, it’s more about completing courses. There are badges for completing X courses, learning plans and also for individual (most important) courses.

One thing I would avoid is setting up a badge for Uploading Assets to Channels (Coach & Share) and for sharing Assets.We did that and some of our users abused it.

We use gamification but in our case, it’s more about completing courses. There are badges for completing X courses, learning plans and also for individual (most important) courses.

One thing I would avoid is setting up a badge for Uploading Assets to Channels (Coach & Share) and for sharing Assets.We did that and some of our users abused it.

Yes, good idea and I agree some badges can be open to abuse.  We had similar problems with completion of courses with view only completion settings.

We’ve chosen to use the ratings that people give to assets rather than uploading as a badge trigger.  E.g. “someone gave you 5 stars”.

@Swatson I’ve got a client in the cosmetics industry who uses a really simple gamification approach in the system. They’ve created courses for their diffident products and badges associated for each, and their learners can then redeem the coins for the same products that they’re learning about.

The new leaderboard updates that we released in Feb allowed for more different flexibility, but combining with Audiences (new groups) allows for some customized flows in which: users who’ve completed courses in specific high-value courses (automatic groups) can then get access to different courses with “better” badges and points and redeem for premium products. What’s more, then can use those groups for different newsletter reach-outs and Page layouts. 

It started off slowly, but the more they’ve promoted to their (external) users on social and their other channels, the more people are coming back to do other courses, get more coins, and redeem for more products.

 @Swatson there are some great tips in this thread on how to use points, badges, leaderboards, contests, and rewards to drive engagement in your platform. When launching a gamification strategy, it is important to bring whatever elements you use to the forefront of your learner’s experience. Here are a few tips for ensuring that your users are aware of and motivated by your gamification strategy.

  1. Feature gamification on your homepage via the gamification widget
  2. Pair a notification with the first “course completion” badge your learners will earn
  3. Frequently feature your top learners in communications and on leaderboards
  4. Make sure your points correspond to the difficulty/time of the actions they reward

Bonus tip: Structure your gamification experience so that new learners are rewarded quickly. This will reinforce their behavior early and familiarize them with the experience of earning something in return for their time. Make sure you don’t make it easy for them to “rank up” too quickly, however, as you want to incentivize them to keep coming back and reward those who put in the time/effort to achieve higher ranks.


I hope these tips are helpful! I’m excited to continue to see more great recommendations for gamification in this thread.

My Thoughts: I’d also recommend using the contest feature of gamification, especially if you have sales reps as part of your audience! I have a Peloton and it’s shocking to me how much the monthly competitions motivate me to consistently get on the bike and take a class as I feel the time running out to win my “special” badge that may only come around once. 

I also really love @Adam Ballhaussen comment about rewarding learners quickly to reinforce behavior early. 

Pro Tip: Come up with a theme for gamification. One of our customers actually created an online “Dojo” through our gamification. Everyone who came into the organization, whether they had 5 minutes or 15 years of experience, came in as a white belt (badge). Then during performance reviews, L&D was able to determine if they’d spent enough time learning and growing to be awarded their next belt (badge). It was a really great way to drive consistent engagement with the LMS as well as tying learning to their quarterly performance assessment! 


One of our existing customers is using gamification to the best of their advantage and here are some pointers that I could gather from their implementation-

  • Gamification concepts will always keep evolving. So if you are doing it for the first time keep it simple. What our client did was they created badges and rewards points associated with each course and on completion of the course the learner’s gets credits
  • Each learner can accumulate these credits and can redeem these credits against some paid courses ( which otherwise might have costed them few $)
  • They build a nice leaderboard on the landing page and keep showing the real-time updates on the widget
  • They used the top banner in the Docebo home page to showcase the weekly winner/top of gamification as a motivation peace
  • They are now also thinking of linking the gamification points as a part of their annual appraisal process

Hope this helps. 


@Amolbshinde I love the idea of creating a banner to showcase who’s at the top with gamification! Such an easy thing to do and so motivating. Plus, what a great way to celebrate peers in these WFH times. I’m stealing lots of these ideas :) 

I am new to the community. I am not sure if this question was asked before - How can I see more than the top 10 users in the leaderboard. Is there a report I can run? Thank you!

For those still following on this thread, I am wondering about something. I love how this community basically has two ways to advance. Of course, first is through badges and the second is through “ranks.” So the learner is earning badges which is great and then they are also leveling up as they contribute more. I am not seeing anyway to do this in Docebo gamification. Has anyone figured out any creative ways of doing this?


One of our existing customers is using gamification to the best of their advantage and here are some pointers that I could gather from their implementation-

  • Gamification concepts will always keep evolving. So if you are doing it for the first time keep it simple. What our client did was they created badges and rewards points associated with each course and on completion of the course the learner’s gets credits
  • Each learner can accumulate these credits and can redeem these credits against some paid courses ( which otherwise might have costed them few $)
  • They build a nice leaderboard on the landing page and keep showing the real-time updates on the widget
  • They used the top banner in the Docebo home page to showcase the weekly winner/top of gamification as a motivation peace
  • They are now also thinking of linking the gamification points as a part of their annual appraisal process

Hope this helps. 


We find this interesting. We're thinking about putting the weekly winner or the top of gamification on our Docebo homepage as well. Could you share how you did it?

If anyone on this thread is interested in several examples and walking through a specific Use Case in more detail, I am presenting a Best Practice on Gamification next Thursday July 27th at 1pm EST.  Here is the registration link :  We will be walking through Hoosier Energies Use Case to promote Safety within their company.  Hope to see you there. 
