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iFrame Widget Challenges

  • 24 January 2023
  • 6 replies

We are working on releasing a blended learning format and want to make use of MS Bookings to schedule times with instructors one on one or in group sessions.    My challenge is the iframe code will not add properly.   I simply get bad request.   This same iframe code is added as an html training material.  Has anyone had success with the IFrame widget

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

yes we use it and it works well...the code options may be limited as Docebo does not always accept all code especially if this is to a 3rd party system. Have you installed the secret key and SALT on your iFrame? Sometimes you need to give the app you're trying to connect to permission to be viewed in an iFrame.

iFrame widget:

iframe in HTML training material:


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Is the domain of the iframe added to your site’s iframe allowed list?

Userlevel 3

@Bfarkas, Thank you we did have to correct the iframe allowed list for this item.  Once we did we were able to easily add the iframe in an HTML training material.   @lrnlab The iframe code can be viewed by anyone.  No matter how I added to the course iframe widget it comes back with a bad request notificaiton


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

it may be that the site you are trying to connect to does not allow it to be set up in an iFrame..if it’s a Microsoft product, that’s probably the issue. you might check with app provider…??

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

bookings does allow iframes, the product is kind of designed to be.

Here’s a question, you’re using the standard iframe code right, not one that is javascript based and getting stripped as a result?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I’m encountering the same problem. We are trying to iframe a page from GitHub, but I’m guessing GitHub doesn’t allow their pages to be iframed?  I’m just the standard iframe code too.  
