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Import to create course shells?

  • 3 November 2021
  • 2 replies

I know that ILT sessions can be imported but surprised I’m not seeing anywhere to import elearning courses? 

Use Case:

I have approximately 60 session recordings (from a customer conference) that I need to publish to our LMS as courses. We prefer to wrap each in a course to get better reporting (i.e., who, when, status vs simply # of clicks that Coach and Share channel asset reporting provides). 

I have a csv file containing each ‘course’ name and description, and an mp4 file for each. 

I know this can be done via API but was wondering if there is a simple csv import for creating the course shells I could use?

Yep. You can support this with the automation app. The automation app will need an sFTP destination to create those from.

The import will support the creation of course shells for you - which is half the story.

I believe you can use the same shell creation to generate your course shells for those courses as well.

Awesome! Glad I asked - I had no idea that app did this.
