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Incorrect Dates for Certification CSV Imports

Hello, all.

Wondering if anyone has noticed, or has a solution, for the problem I just noticed today with CSV certification imports. I learned that when I’ve been doing my mass imports of the certifications, the issue and expiration dates have been imported incorrectly by 1 day. If I do the certification manually (for instance, only 1-2 people need it and CSV creation isn’t worth the time), the dates are correct.

I’ve imported about 40 certifications for our “coaching certification” by CSV. All have had various dates of when they were certified, which have been included in the CSV.

However, if I have Employee ABC with certification on 8/11/2022 in the file, after import, Docebo shows 8/10/2022 for the issue date (and 8/10/2024 as the expiration). I am baffled why it would change the date by 1 day for each.


As a note, there have been no issues with the imports. The formats are correct. The codes are correct. The report shows 0 errors after it processes. If I enter the information manually, the dates I select are maintained.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Think this may be a UTC / timezone issue...would suggest you ask support to confirm 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Think this may be a UTC / timezone issue...would suggest you ask support to confirm 

100% sounds like it, you could try by shifting your time in the date/time stamps to noon instead of midnight and see if it is the right day now. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

It occurs due to UTC/timezone issue. You can add (+1) in certificate issue and the expiry date column.

i.e., User A certificate issued on 05/23/2023 and the expiry date is 05/23/2026, then you can mention the issue and expiry date in CSV file as 05/24/2023 and the expiry date 05/24/2026.

CSV file adjust the date according to your system UTC settings and shows a exact issue and the expire date. 
