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Insights: Things I'd love to see

  • 29 June 2024
  • 3 replies

I love the concepts of the Insights tool. 

There are many things that I would love to see - if this can roll out in a robust way, it would be of great value to my organization due to it’s size. So in no particular order:

  1. Ability to build my own widgets/cubes
    1. On groups, branches, course status, etc
    2. Change the graph types (think Salesforce dashboard)
  2. Dashboards on specific data without filter option, to control the end user experience.
    1. Ability to provide those dashboard to groups/branches/powerusers/leaders
  3. Widgets/Cubes
    1. Overdue by Group
    2. Overdue by Course
    3. Overdue by LP
    4. Overdue by Branch
    5. Overdue by Additional Fields
    6. Completions “on-time” (before expiration dates)
    7. Completions “past-due” (after expirations dates)
    8. Most Searched Word Cloud or List
    9. Most Started by Uncompleted course
    10. Activity by Hour
    11. Activity by Week/Month
    12. Top “Tags” in user shared content
    13. Tags word cloud or list in user shared content
    14. Add percentages to Learning Plan Course completion breakdown
    15. Top Rated Instructor
    16. Most used “expert”
    17. Most interaction in Channel/Cohort
    18. Expiring Certifications 30 days
    19. Expired Certifications
    20. Average Days Overdue - Expired Certifications
      1. By Group
      2. By Branch
      3. By Additional Fields
    21. Top Assigned Course from Managers
    22. Top Suggested Course from Managers (skills)
    23. Top platform skills
    24. Skills without paired content
  4. Ability to filter Cubes and not complete Dashboard (ex: Completions by Group, show just the top level groups, without only showing that data on the remaining cubes)
  5. Ability to “subscribe” to different dashboards
  6. Micro dashboards for Managers
  7. Run a report and turn it into a dashboard, (ex: requirements 6+ days overdue, with my various filters and views) Which then becomes a beautiful graphic representation I can send instead of a report!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

YES, YES, YES! All of this, and I just want have the insights available to share to any Power User in the platform!  

Userlevel 1

Hi @SStratton @Stephanie Dreiling ,

Thanks a lot for your feedback!
Some of your ideas are already in Insights roadmap:

  • Manager dashboard added in My Team
  • Ability to subscribe to specific dashboards
  • Possibility to pre-filter a dashboard before sharing it

Other of your points will be covered by an advanced version of Insights (paid option), which will give you full self-service analytics capabilities, and the possibility to build your own visuals / metrics / filters at any levels

YES, YES, YES! All of this, and I just want have the insights available to share to any Power User in the platform!  

I couldn’t agree MORE!! The sharing capabilities would have a MASSIVE impact to our power users. Even better, if it could be shared with our different Org. Leaders/managers (who aren’t Power Users) but who need to see the data as presented by insights
