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my question is: Is there a way for instructor to be assigned a course automatically when they are enrolled into them as an instructor?

explanation:When i add a user as an instructor to a course, it seems like it only enroll him like he was a learner. I need to go add the course in his assigned ressource on his power user profile for him to be able to access the course management options. I find this a little bit challenging because I then need to be up to date for every instructor on what class they are teaching and adding them to their profile or even if I assign all course if i add a new one i need to update every power user profile. 

Thank you

Tagging in @cheyenne.carpenter to see if she can help get an answer to this question!

Hi @julientrudel

I have an idea that I think could help. Let’s cross our fingers we can move the needle! 



You can implement a governance process that says “if you are an instructor in Docebo and are going to be teaching classes, you need to update this Master document, ‘All Training Permissions’ (or whatever title works) with your name as well as the information on the courses you’re teaching. If you do not, you will not receive the appropriate permissions.” You can even add access to this document as a widget on a page they use in Docebo, if you want to make sure they have consistent access to it.

This will give you a list of who you need to get these permissions for, as well as details on what they need access to. 



You can go into the Automation App and create a new schedule rule. 

  • Schedule it to run daily
  • For the Condition, base it on either A- a group/branch that has all of your instructors, or B- a user additional field that tells you if they are an instructor
  • Turn on notifications so that you’re informed when that document is updated
  • Keep your own copy of that document in a .csv format that can be imported into Docebo - the red bullet below will tell you what you need to make sure is included 
  • For the Action, Import Power User Mappings via CSV
  • Use this link to the knowledge base article for background context, and then make the Import Schema associate the power users with all learning plans, catalogs, or whatever works with how you have your platform set up organization-wise

  • Save and activate! 



I believe that this will map your power users to their resources automatically, based on what you put in the document to import. As long as you have a way to keep that document evergreen (like you getting a notification when the public-facing document is updated, so you know you need to go in and update your private copy that gets imported) then I think this process could work for you! 


Happy to answer any questions 😊 Good luck! 



