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Is docebo's ai NOT crawling scorms for text?

  • 20 September 2022
  • 6 replies

As per these images it appears scorms are not indexed in any way. That can’t be right - can it?? It seems crazy to scan videos and do text-to-speech but to not index text content in articulate rise scorm courses.

@lrodman are you asking about TAGS?

I may be. Am I? I honestly don’t know the term for it.

if you’re looking for the auto-tags generate when you load content into a course or an asset into a channel...those are tags…

We recently found that for courses, it appears tags are not being generated for some reason. I have a pending ticket that has been escalated to tier 3. Will try and remember to update this thread once they figure out out (hopefully) 

I do get the when I load assets to a channel though.

Ok - so it is SUPPOSED to then right? 

Thank goodness!

yes, think it’s been having issues for a while but cannot say for sure since it's not something I follow may want to log a ticket as well if you are not seeing them generated on your content.


I mean, I can open my own articulate rise scorms and find the text parts of the html in like.. 60 seconds. I can’t imagine it isn’t supposed to? I’ll ask.
