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Is there a good way to enable power-users to bulk enroll their users in a course they don't own?

The users have access as learners to a course that I own that power users do not own.

I can do this myself or have the power-users send me a csv to run, but I would love to enable them directly.


For example: I own the course Sales 101. Judy at Long and Foster wants to enroll her new agents in Sales 101. Judy does not own Sales 101, and cannot, since she has course edit permissions to create her own courses. She also wants to enroll those users in Sales 102-110 and Service 101-108.


I could make her a learning plan for this specific instance, but if I have a variety of users trying to do a variety of enrollments, we have an issue.


I could make two profiles per power-user, one for course creation and one for reporting and enrolling, but we use SSO so this would be not just messy but messier.


I’m aware there’s a long-standing idea to fix this issue of power users needing to create and edit SOME courses but to NOT have those perms on other courses.

sadly you have it right...there is no way to give a PU unroll-only permissions for a subset of courses.

This is soooo needed. 

We need to be able to assign PU permissions but differentiate between what a PU can do with certain courses; e.g.: able to create their own, edit those assigned to them, enrol only into others.


I feel your pain. I am on the same page as @lrnlab this is really needed. It’s killing me that the “solution” is to create different user accounts with different permissions.

See the following ideas on the subject and cast your vote.


Yup like others, not possible directly, common add on tool via API solve for this exact situation...

@Bfarkas I’m not super great with APIs (understatement), but I am interested in your solution. Can you provide more detail?

@BfarkasI’m not super great with APIs (understatement), but I am interested in your solution. Can you provide more detail?

Yeah, so I embed a qualtrics form on a custom page that only certain users have access to. On page load, based on the current logged in user, they get a drop down of courses to select from (systemwide not based on their normal access, but by business access decisions) and then enroll/unenroll action and then either select users or drop a list of user Id’s or usernames to do the action on. Hit submit, it triggers a backend process that runs using Admin level rights via the API and carries out the process. The requester gets an email upon completion with a log of the users and the action taken for each and success or not for each.

@BfarkasI’m not super great with APIs (understatement), but I am interested in your solution. Can you provide more detail?

Yeah, so I embed a qualtrics form on a custom page that only certain users have access to. On page load, based on the current logged in user, they get a drop down of courses to select from (systemwide not based on their normal access, but by business access decisions) and then enroll/unenroll action and then either select users or drop a list of user Id’s or usernames to do the action on. Hit submit, it triggers a backend process that runs using Admin level rights via the API and carries out the process. The requester gets an email upon completion with a log of the users and the action taken for each and success or not for each.

Is the user selection the system selection? Are the power users still restricted to their resource assignment?

It can be either or neither, or a special combo if needed.

For un-enroll - it is typically all currently enrolled users in the session/course regardless of logged in user’s permissions.

For enroll - it gets complicated, but some user types are restricted to current user visibility rights, for some user types its that plus some special users, for others its all system active users.

All dictated by the user logged in and managed by a separate rights/conditions table than the standard Docebo rights.


It can be either or neither, or a special combo if needed.

For un-enroll - it is typically all currently enrolled users in the session/course regardless of logged in user’s permissions.

For enroll - it gets complicated, but some user types are restricted to current user visibility rights, for some user types its that plus some special users, for others its all system active users.

All dictated by the user logged in and managed by a separate rights/conditions table than the standard Docebo rights.


So basically since the qualtrics form backends around any rules, you have to duplicate your rights/conditions twice - right?


Not that I can think of a better other way.


Seems like learning plans could be a decent workaround here.

It can be either or neither, or a special combo if needed.

For un-enroll - it is typically all currently enrolled users in the session/course regardless of logged in user’s permissions.

For enroll - it gets complicated, but some user types are restricted to current user visibility rights, for some user types its that plus some special users, for others its all system active users.

All dictated by the user logged in and managed by a separate rights/conditions table than the standard Docebo rights.


So basically since the qualtrics form backends around any rules, you have to duplicate your rights/conditions twice - right?


Not that I can think of a better other way.


Seems like learning plans could be a decent workaround here.

No, don’t have to create the rules twice. Its a condition, abide by existing rules or ignore existing rules. Technically a third of abide by existing plus a few, but thats not how it is actually written so I don’t think of it that way.

Learning plans work to a degree, except for when they don’t, run into compounding issues tied to them often.
