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Hey all, 

I’ve been playing around with the idea of adding a chat widget to a couple of pages that would be collapsible into a floating action button (FAB) in the lower right hand corner of the screen.

Based on my research, it doesn’t look like there’s any kind of plugin that would enable this sort of feature. I also don’t think it will work as a custom HTML widget because I want it to be sticky to the lower right corner as the user scrolls through the entire page. 

Has anyone been able to create something like this? Ideally I would like it to be persistent across multiple pages, however I realize that’s not likely to be possible, so I don’t mind manually adding to each relevant page. 

Mockup for reference:

Please let me know if you’ve tried something like this and have any suggestions!


Not to my knowledge, but hopefully someone else here has a workaround for this.

We had a similar, but easier, use case where we wanted to display a link to our internal help desk on all pages. We accomplished this by inserting the link in the footer using the White Label feature. Here you can find the KB article about it.

