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Currently: The way we currently archive courses is to set them to ‘Under Maintenance’ and then remove them from catalogues and channels. We do not remove users because we want to be able to report on users who were assigned the historic courses but didn’t complete them.

Courses are currently displayed in one of three channels on a page dedicated to said channel. They are: Compulsory compliance, role required, and recommended.


Updates we are making: I have created a new page to display all courses. I haven’t used the built in ‘My courses’ page because I want to provide context and also direct people to their learning record so they can download it. On that page I have displayed the ‘Courses and Learning Plans’ widget.


Problem: In our current way of working, removing the ‘Under Maintenance’ courses from channels and catalogues makes them not visible to users but keeps their completion data for their learning record. However, on the page I am trying to create, the ‘Courses and Learning Plans’ widget will display the courses that are ‘Under Maintenance’, even when users haven’t completed them.

We can’t use the archive function because we use a report (externally built) doesn’t work with it.


Solution / questions: We don’t want to remove the historic completion data on the archived courses, but is there a way to achieve what I am trying to on this page? Is there a way I can show only live courses, or all live courses and completed historic/archived courses? Is there best practice for archiving courses to avoid this issue?

Not sure I fully understand your ask but you should know that Docebo does not have any real way to archive a course. You can archive enrolments but not sure that would help you. Since there is no way to separate active vs. under maintenance courses, the only thing I can think of would be change the display option on your “under maintenance” courses to, “Show only to enrolled users”; this should remove them from your live courses catalogue view...

Not sure I fully understand your ask but you should know that Docebo does not have any real way to archive a course. You can archive enrolments but not sure that would help you. Since there is no way to separate active vs. under maintenance courses, the only thing I can think of would be change the display option on your “under maintenance” courses to, “Show only to enrolled users”; this should remove them from your live courses catalogue view...


I did mean the archive enrolment won’t work for us - it removes the data from a report page that we had built by a third party.


From the sound of it, ‘Show only to enrolled users’ won’t work because we need to be able to run reports on who did and didn’t complete learning so we need to leave them enrolled.


It might be that the ‘Courses and Learning Plans’ widget just doesn’t work for us and I need to experiment with other ways.

@Katzen Not sure how you built your 3rds party report but the archived data does appear in Docebo need to configure the report to include it though.

As for the setting to show the course only to enrolled users...that should work fro you since if the course is no longer active, no one can enrol into it anyway but when you add this setting, your “live” catalogues will no longer display the locked course unless you are already enrolled. And since only those user who completed the course when it was live are enrolled, only they can see it.

@Katzen Not sure how you built your 3rds party report but the archived data does appear in Docebo need to configure the report to include it though.

As for the setting to show the course only to enrolled users...that should work fro you since if the course is no longer active, no one can enrol into it anyway but when you add this setting, your “live” catalogues will no longer display the locked course unless you are already enrolled. And since only those user who completed the course when it was live are enrolled, only they can see it.


I’m not sure on the specifics of how the report was built, but we had to go down that road when the Docebo reports didn’t show everything we needed to be visible and editable by users on a course for regulatory reasons.


I guess I am going completely against how Docebo works because I don’t want enrolled users to see the courses that are ‘Under Maintenance’ and removed from all channels and catalogues. I can only see that making a channel for all live courses and using the ‘Channels’ widget instead of the ‘Courses and Learning Plans’ widget would display the courses how I like. I would have preferred to avoid extra admin work though.
