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Is there a way to pull a report or export a list of notifications that includes the parameters of each notification, such as targeted users, groups, courses, learning plans, etc. defined for the notification? I have checked within the Notifications App and within the Custom Reports Builder, but I cannot find a way to do this.

I think you can do this through the API.


Thanks @Maz . Via an API! I better get on learning how to do that.


I believe this article has everything you are looking for:

I was delayed in receiving access to the API, which is why I have not posted an update on this question item for months. I now have access, but perhaps due to my limited experience with APIs, I am still unable to generate a list of notifications created in our platform that includes the assigned course IDs/learning plans and message text. I have use the “Returns list of Notifications “Get” request. The response I am able to generate only shows high level information, such as the message code, message type (event), scheduling settings, notification method, etc. The message subject is provided, but the body text is not.  If I cannot generate a list with all data elements defined within notification messages, then, at a minimum, I am hoping to find a way to pull a list that includes which courses/learning plans are assigned to each notification. Does anyone have other suggestions or guidance for how to obtain this info from the API?

Hi @tara 

Did you manage to do this via the api in the end?


Hi @Lucy Dolphin, unfortunately I have never been able to figure out the solution to pulling a report or list of this info. 

Thanks for coming back to me @tara - shame its not something we can export as this would be soooo helpful :-( 
