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Hello!  Our Users are pulled into a Learning Plan based on their Job Description.  When a Users Job Description changes (example: Users Job Description updated from “Operator” to “Lead”), the User automatically receives the new Learning Plan based on their new Job Description.  We were under the impression that new content to the “Operator” Learning Plan would not deploy to the User, only new content to the “Lead” Learning Plan, based on the Users Job Description.  This does not seem to be the case.  I don’t want to un-enroll these users from the original Learning Plan because we need to maintain training records for compliance requirements.

Does anyone else deploy training based on Job Description and if so, how do you ensure they only receive future updates to the Learning Plan associated with their most recent Job Description?

Thank you!


Not sure I follow your use case...are you saying that a user who was assigned the “operator” LP is also assigned the “lead” LP when their job description changes? 

How are you assigning training? manually or with enrolment rules?

@Brianne.Jones Yes, I use job description in the same way you seem to. The thing with LPs is that once you are enrolled, you are always enrolled unless somebody (or an API) comes along and takes you out. So if you add a course to the Operator LP, then all of your Leads who got promoted will get that update if they are still in the Operator LP.

To avoid this, there are a couple of options:

  • Whenever you need to add a new course to the Operator LP, create a new ‘version’ of the LP. In other words, recreate the collection of the existing Operator courses + your new Operator course. You’d have to move incomplete users from the old LP to the new LP.
  • Unenroll the new Leads from the Operator LP when you change their job title. To do this you find the user in the LP, and then delete them. There is a dialog that appears with choices about completed or in progress courses. You can decide how much to actually delete. You can delete them from the LP without taking them out of the courses.

I use a combination of both, just depends on the situation. I have about many LPs that are based off of job description

Hello @KMallette,

My concern is if I remove the new Lead from the Operator Learning Plan, we lose the record that they previously trained to the Operator Learning Plan and courses.  We need to have evidence that when they were an Operator, they completed the Operator Learning Plan.  Now that they are a Lead, we need evidence that they also completed the Lead Learning Plan.

How do you maintain training records from a compliance standpoint?  

If I Unenroll the new Lead from the Operator Learning Plan but checkmark to keep them enrolled in the Courses they have Completed, will they still receive new revisions for those Courses they were not unenrolled from?  I am going to conduct some trials to vet this out but thought you may already have this answer.

Thanks much!


Hello @lrnlab 

Yes, first they would be enrolled in the Operator Learning Plan based on their job description (additional user field).  When their job description changed to Lead, they automatically enrolled in the Lead Learning Plan based on Groups & Enrollment rules.  

Now being in a Lead position, they only need the Lead Learning Plan moving forward and do not need new revisions made to the Operator Learning Plan.

Thank you!


Hello @KMallette,

My concern is if I remove the new Lead from the Operator Learning Plan, we lose the record that they previously trained to the Operator Learning Plan and courses.  We need to have evidence that when they were an Operator, they completed the Operator Learning Plan.  Now that they are a Lead, we need evidence that they also completed the Lead Learning Plan.

How do you maintain training records from a compliance standpoint?  

If I Unenroll the new Lead from the Operator Learning Plan but checkmark to keep them enrolled in the Courses they have Completed, will they still receive new revisions for those Courses they were not unenrolled from?  I am going to conduct some trials to vet this out but thought you may already have this answer.

Thanks much!


Fortunately (unfortunately??) I don’t have to deal with compliance.

So you would lose the LP record, but you don’t lose the course records. Sounds like the first option I listed might be a good one because you would then have a record of the LP that they completed.

If the course is complete, it doesn’t go ‘incomplete’ because you upload a new version of the training material in the course.

If the user completed the “operator” LP and then you add new content, they will still show as completed in your reports. Docebo does not reset their status to in-progress although there is new content. That said, the new course will show up on their list ion courses to complete however the users can hide the contents of the LP if they so wish.

you might want to turn this ON under Advanced Settings > eLearning so that your users have the option to hide the LP they don't need to action.


I also use a custom link to the “My courses” page rather than the built in one. It’s pre-filtered to only show LP’s


Hello @KMallette,

When we have new revision content to upload in a course we first Archive & Re-enroll to reset tracking of the course.  Then, we update the original content settings to “hide”.  Once the background job is complete, we then add the new revision content.  The course actually does reset and displays as “Not Started”.  If you add the new content BEFORE the background job is complete, it will not update the status from Completed to Not Started.  

Thanks again for all of the information, I appreciate it!



If you select the user(s) you want to Unenroll from a Learning Plan, click Unenroll.  When the pop-up appears, do NOT check the box to “unenroll the selected users also from the courses assigned to the learning plan….”.  Simply click UNENROLL on the bottom right-hand side of the pop-up.

In my use case, I need to then Unenroll the user from all Courses that are associated with the Learning Plan I just unenrolled them from.  To do this, go to the Course(s) that you would like to unenroll the user from.  From the Enrollments tab, select the user(s) you want to unenroll.  Click the ellipsis button to the right of the user enrollment date and select Archive Enrollment.  Next, select Archive and Unenroll and uncheck the box next to “Reset the tracking of the course training material”.  Then select ARCHIVE ENROLLMENT at the bottom of the pop-up. 

Now, when you run the Users - Courses Report & filter to include Archived Enrollments or Active and Archived Enrollments, the Course completion dates will be visible for the user(s).  Following these steps ensures the user training history is maintained after unenrollment.  
