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I have a set of PDFs I MUST maintain that get updated quarterly as reference material for my learners. Slide converting a file 50+ pages is out of the question and the slide converter also does not allow for live links (so users can’t navigate via Table of Contents or other internal document re-directs.

Uploading as a file in a course isn’t ideal as the user must re-download every quarter which they are very very unlikely to do.

I was thinking that maybe there is a way to upload the PDF in Docebo and use an iframe in the HTML training material to embed a PDF viewer? I have made a few attempts but haven’t found a solution.

If anyone has a workaround for a true PDF viewer in-app that would be amazing. (Already submitted/voted for related Ideas).

have you looked at using Channels to house your PDFs? You could link to them from a course widget like the File Repository.

Thanks @lrnlab I will try testing that out and post here if it works.

If you want something with more control and have a hosting space, check out pdf.js, basically gives you a customizable embeddable viewer that you point to your file. Think of the built in browser pdf display tools but controllable by you. More advanced, but super useful if doable. 

While the suggestion by @lrnlab was a good idea, the PDF viewer in Channel is no better than using the slide converter in a course. Sure I can see it, but I can’t use links, heading navigation, etc. Will ultimately need a more advanced solution.

We have been asking for live links in PDF files for 3+ years when Docebo told us it was on their roadmap. One of the reasons we bought the product. Huge disappointment still waiting for the feature they sold us. If anyone finds a solution, please share.

@cheryl.theis That’s disheartening… Docebo essentially said using iFrame is the only way. Is that the route you ended up going? Currently my iFrame settings are not even working, and that means I still need to host the PDFs somewhere else instead of only in Docebo… so much fun.


Docebo, I really hope you roadmap this. Soon.

@elainethetrainer If you are really trying not to use an outside source the only my team has found a workaround for this is to make a widget that goes in the course description that contains all of your links. It’s not the same as having them embedded in your pdf, but it is a simple workaround.

@alex.driggs the links I need to work are links to other places within the document - such as a clickable Table of Contents where a user can click a chapter and be redirected there. Some files have hundreds of links so that wouldn’t be feasible in this use case.

Has there been any word or update from Docebo on incorporating a PDF viewer for assignments?  

Has there been any word or update from Docebo on incorporating a PDF viewer for assignments?  

They are aware, but it is still not a planned feature and they are still not planning on adding it to the roadmap. Still a big issue for us, so we bring it up often. 
