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Maybe an easy one? I need a conceptual hand with developing a report

  • 8 February 2022
  • 6 replies

This may be a 101 question, but I cant believe I am getting stuck on this.

I have an SME asking for a report scoped to the learning objects in the learning plan.

Is there a way to report on just the courses in a learning plan? The courses do live outside of the learning plan as well as inside of it. Said learning plan is not in catalogs and is only used for mapped learning, but the courses do live in catalogs.


The Users- learning plan  report doesn’t work for you?

@dklinger if you are looking for stats on the learning objects in those course, the Users - Training Material allows you to pick the courses you want to report on...

Hi I am sorry - but I am looking for the progress at the course level of the courses inside of the learning plan.

@lrnlab- I apologize for the confusion - I was talking pretty generically about learning objects.

@lhubbard - I know the list - thank you for that.

I need to pass along a report on the progress of the courses inside of the learning plan. Not just a % progress of how the learning plan is going. Essentially a report on the mapped item in said learning plan.

For example: “New Hire Training Program” is a learning plan with 3 courses

  • Core Compliance
  • Safety

Is there a way to derive a report that is scoped solely to the progress of the courses in the learning plan.


@dklinger I see what you mean...the LP report is more of a summary...could you just create a report on the actual courses and assume they part of the LP? Maybe combine the 2 reports to show overall LP progress but include the actual course details…?? That’s one repot that is lacking

Right @lrnlab - so the mash-up is missing.

And if the courses are actually in an open catalog? I dont want to be pulling in activity for the courses that have “other” enrollment activity.

I can do a mashup on my own - but I was hoping there was something that I missed. 

Ok - I think I found it - but I need to narrow in and test it - Under Users-Courses, there is an option to select Learning Plans. It is showing at a granular level that I was after - essentially the progress of each course under said Learning Plan.

This may be what I was after….

So now the question of the day….can I give myself my own best answer?
