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Multiple choice question: incorrect answers still give a score

  • 27 June 2024
  • 2 replies

I’m working on a multiple choice question. I have an issue where, if a learner selects the correct answers plus an incorrect answer, they still get a full point for it. Basically, there’s no consequence if the wrong answer was selected. Here’s a screenshot of the question:


Is there a workaround for this? Thank you.


2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

There are a few settings that can affect how it’s being scored.

take a look at this response in the article.

and maybe this will help

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

You can assign a negative score to incorrect answers if you want to penalize the users so in your case above, if each correct answer grants 1 point while each incorrect answer removes 1 point, the total for the question would be 1 point. You can also deduct decimal values; -0.5, for example.
