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Hello! Does anyone have any helpful best tips on creating native assessments within Docebo?  

We are determining the best way to create impactful benchmarking within the system. Thanks! - Danielle 

I try to keep native assessments really small - like 5 questions or less - but I might have several and spread them out over a course.

Anything bigger than that and I will go to my eLearning authoring tool.

There are others who might suggest that all of your content be SCORM and others yet who have no SCORM at all. I have some of each.

I think there are a variety of factors at play as to which philosophy is followed.

  1. Size of organization
  2. Size of the budget for training resources
  3. Size of training department
  4. Number of skilled eLearning developers in-house
  5. Number of active “authors” in the platform
  6. Size of the total content bag

I know that making native quizzes was not fully intuitive - at least for me. One example is the use of the phrase ‘Multiple Choice’ I have taken this to mean you are offered a question and have multiple choices to pick from as the right answer. In Docebo - Multiple Choice means that there are multiple right answers - so checkboxes rather than radio buttons. Single choice is the one answer variety. Easy enough once you know this but enough to possibly get you from time to time.

I had to refer to the knowledge base on a few occasions for how to craft some of the question types because it was not intuitive so be prepared for that as well.

Thank you @gstager! Super helpful, I passed it along to my team. 
